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RabidHaMsTeR.Org • View topic - R4 Networking...

R4 Networking...

Suggestions + Info on development of R4 visuals

Moderators: rabidhamster, Rovastar

R4 Network Access type

HTTP (Web Browser) access
Custom Protocol
Total votes : 19

R4 Networking...

Postby rabidhamster » Sat Dec 06, 2003 5:05 pm

Right... I'm working on R4 Network access. Main question I want to ask is what would people prefer:

A: A web server embedded in R4 - scenes and stuff could then be changed via a web interface on any kind of network-connected device (eg. Bluetooth palmtop/laptop/smartphone etc)

B: The R2e kindof interface where a special program is needed. Bear in mind here it would probably be a similar situation to R2e where i never really bothered with anything useful for it :)

B is likely to be more powerful, but then ease-of-use wise i think A is going to be better. If people want to write applications to control R4 they'll have to do it by HTTP GET and PUT - i guess this isn't a real issue though, and with a bit of thought people may be able to write JavaScript + Flash frontends.

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Postby JTechnical » Sun Dec 07, 2003 7:58 pm

Tough call.

personally B because of the ability for people to make apps to do exactly what they like.

Although if the web interface is extensive enough (can it be) then that would do, although would it be able to do tasks which would suite pro users (clubs & bars) E.g automated stuff ?

The solution would be both but i understand you want one or t'other.

The R2e controller which should be ok'd by the end of the week might change ur mind because id definatly port that over to R4. Understandably u cant make a decision because a "Guy on a forum" said he'd make an app :)

Interesting to see what others make of it . . . .
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Postby rabidhamster » Sun Dec 07, 2003 9:15 pm

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Postby JTechnical » Sun Dec 07, 2003 11:58 pm

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Postby rabidhamster » Mon Dec 08, 2003 12:05 pm

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Postby JTechnical » Tue Dec 09, 2003 4:25 pm

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Postby Rovastar » Sat Dec 13, 2003 7:46 pm

viod knob would be useful but I was thinking more for joysticks etc for with many many buttons.

FOr changing the camera view etc med.eyez = move1; etc, etc

Or mouse movement like Ryan's Geiss 2.

If not installed then do nothing. It is very possible to make scenes that ca work in both situations.

:) informal hehe anything goes here. After all youy are talking to rabidhamster.
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Postby rabidhamster » Mon Dec 15, 2003 4:24 pm

:p Yeah, it always gets fun trying to explain to people in the 'real' world why I use a handle online. It used to seem really cool, but it wears now and I have too many things with 'rabidhamster' written on them to stop using it :wink:

Anyway, i'm sure you know already I'm Gordon Williams from Bedfordshire :)

As for the networking, I'm going to attempt to put both in - but on the same port. to use the port for telnet, the first 3 characters you transmit need to be R...4...enter and then R4 will flip into telnet mode and all is good with the world.

At the moment I haven't done that though - I'm working on the scripting language. There's now a console, and the language is very much like R2e's, with a few enhancements like FOR-loops. When R4 displays an HTML file in the web browser it parses it for scripts, and executes any that are in the file.

So you write a webpage, and get R4 to maybe produce html to display images for each scene, with links that cause each scene to be displayed.

Its probably easier to show when its done :p Anyway, i *have* documented this one!

- Gordon
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Postby JTechnical » Fri Dec 26, 2003 5:52 pm

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Postby JTechnical » Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:25 pm

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Postby rabidhamster » Sat Dec 27, 2003 12:52 pm

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Postby rabidhamster » Sat Dec 27, 2003 1:06 pm

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Postby JTechnical » Sun Dec 28, 2003 5:42 pm

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Postby rabidhamster » Sun Dec 28, 2003 8:01 pm

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Postby JTechnical » Tue Dec 30, 2003 6:49 pm

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