Thanks for the quick reply. Nah, I wasn't afraid of it, I'd just been working on it for a while and had to give up for the time being.
I think I understand it a bit more now. From the examples I had been seeing (such as some included ones and the mini tutorial on this site), it looked like Medusa was already a set module that didn't require any other info other than a texture to work. They showed the module under the header, but that was it. I take it that only gathers the bare basics and I need to go in and actually tell it what to do?
Also, where can I find the description of what the abreviations mean and how to know their purpose after the module names? Such as the "med(vid,tex)" after Medusa. I know I saw them listed once in one of the docs, but I couldn't find it again when I was working on this.
Anyway, I'll take a look at it and tinker some more when I get back to my other laptop that actually has R4 on it.