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RabidHaMsTeR.Org • View topic - play wmv file

play wmv file

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play wmv file

Postby alffla » Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:47 am

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Postby andff » Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:27 am


i've got an error too.. take a look at virtual dub' message, displayed when wmv file tried to be opened:
"Not supported: Microsoft owns US patent #6,041,345 on the ASF file format, preventing third-party applications from extracting data from ASF files. ASF file format support was removed as of V1,3d at the request of Microsoft and to avoid patent infringement claims, and as such VirtualDub no longer supports ASF. Please do not ask for versions that do."

it seems to me the only way to open it in R4 is to reconvert your files with some kind of "power video converter"..
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Postby alffla » Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:00 pm

Thanks for your reply.

I'm using Virtual Dub 1.7.8 and I have the WMV.vdplugin in the plugins folder. VirtualDub has no problem opening the wmv file so maybe we can hack this plugin and make it in R4.

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Postby andff » Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:13 pm


nice plug, i didn't hear about it, but i've never used wmv videos.. and i don't think it is so needed.. vidplay module is unstable enough to be used at serious gigs imho :(

so, if you have this magic plug for virtualdub.. you have only one way :) my fav options for encoding - divX 6.4, 512x410 pixels, 2x multipass processing, 15keyframes, 1600-2000 kbps (depending on content), insane quality, deinterlace if needed. 512x410 because i'm using old video module with 512x512 video texture size - for better memory usability it must be 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 pix, so 512x410 is most suitable as for me for videos with 3:4 aspect ratio..
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Postby alffla » Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:05 am


what do you mean by the vidplay module being unstable?

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Postby andff » Wed Aug 20, 2008 1:14 pm


sometimes, my render falls into white screen - i've notticed, it happens in overwhelming majority when vidplay module being used. ordinary, i use old video module because it have proper properties for controlling videos (reverse, chaotic jumps, speed, loops, soundreactive speed etc), but video module can open only 74 files, so i tried to outflank this limit and tortured vidplay intensivly.. another thing - i prepare graphix/scripts at my home pc, and this is really unnecessary piece of work to correct paths for each file when they moved at workstation (in spite of the fact that i use advanced search&replace plug for multiple files in far editor) also, it worth to be noted, i load up ~1300 scenes/overlays/fades per session and hardly using heavy textures, 3ds models, tweaks, numpad scripts and other pro stuff, so it may be just concourse of circumstances in my diagnosis..
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Postby SpOOnmAn » Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:16 am

andff you are right, also for me vidplay sometimes crashes and gives a i think black picture, then there is no chance to recover except to restart r4. for me this is most times no big problem because we normaly use 2 or more sources and mix em with edirol v4. do you also play clips backward? if so you should make every single frame a keyframe.
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Postby andff » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:28 am


i use 1 keyframe processing only for files with inconceivable videos :)
also, i've notticed 3 keyframes for video is enough to play backward, even if fps multiplied by 10. 1 keyframe really kills quality, i have to increase bitrate up to 2300 kbps and decrease resolution of video for fighting with blocks and squares..

ps. edirol v4 steers! ;) but only lumakey and chromakey fades usable as for me, all other V4 stuff can't be compared with R4 stuff :) my lucky night - the night when i don't need to touch edirol' fader ever! :)
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Postby SpOOnmAn » Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:32 am

hehe, same opinion here on v4 suff i use black key mostly! we use arkaos grand vj on the other machine, so we need a mixer. also funny is to mix 2 r4s...
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Postby alffla » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:53 pm

Hello guys,

Sorry to bother you again with that (wmv files) but I made some research on the forum and I found that VIDPLAY uses DirectShow to play video files, so why is it not possible to play wmv files when the codec are installed.

Maybe I'm getting confused here!!!

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Postby andff » Mon Sep 01, 2008 7:55 pm


sorry, but this is question to Gordon anyway..
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