I didn't know you could edit the menu's, so I took a look and found the files you described. The problem is that these files only let you change the "static" menus - i.e., the ones that don't change. And all of these "static" menus have the "Back" option on.
It is the "Dynamic" menu's that don't have the "Back" option on, and unfortunately these "Dynamic" menu's can't be edited - menu's such as the list of "Scenes and Fades" and "Overlays" which are generated based on the packs that have been installed. If a "Back" option could be added to these menus then it would be fantastic.
You are correct that it would be quite easy to map the "ESC" button to the remote control, but there are a couple of reasons why I would prefer not to do this. The first is that it is a bit of a waste having a button on the remote that is only ever used to exit 2 menus from within R4. I can get into R4, into it's menu's, navigate (almost all of) them, and quit R4 using the stock remote and without making a single modification. To have a single button mapped just to move back from 2 menus seems (to me) a waste of a button. Secondly, having a button mapped to "ESC" can cause problems in Media Center, it's plug-ins, and other programs. It is something I would rather not have mapped if possible.
What might be an even easier idea would be to make the "BackSpace" key do exactly the same as the "ESC" key. Media Center has a "Back" button on the remote which is the same as the "BackSpace" keyboard character code. If R4 could respond to the "BackSpace" key in the same manner as the "ESC" key then that would also be a perfect solution (perhaps even better as it would be quicker to press a single button to move out of a menu than scrolling through menus).
Regarding both of the features I have suggested (a "Back" option in menus or accepting the "BackSpace" key, and obtaining song information from Media Player) I had assumed that development work would be needed - but I had hoped that the features were simple enough that they would be considered for inclusion.