i figured out that r4 accepts only ints as tweak values, that seems to be the problem with that.
also i found some bugs, and have some suggestions.
1 remoter does not store the position of the general window, and the settings of the tweak sliders should also be stored.
2. standard settings of the tweak sliders should be acc at 10 and max at 100
3. tweak kill works only at turning on the overlay but not when turning off, maybe remoter sends a doubble click or something...
4. if two overlays use the same parameter they do not work anymore when u try to use both but i dont know if that is a remoter or a r4 issue
5. remoter should show in general window wich scene is active
6. there should be a option to make a screeny of the active scene that is stored in the scenes folder... (maybe on rightclick)
7. also on rightclick there should be an option to open scenes and overlays in editor
8. editors reload function does not work, at least with overlays, scenes i did not test yet
9. maybe it is possible to groop tweak sliders by target
sorry, it seems to be a lot of work, but i have no internet at my girlfriends flat at the moment, but i was testing and working a lot...

hope u had a nice time at your ski holidays gio...