in the meantime you could try this:
Its basically a similar program to R4 but not as spectacular. Main website and screenshots for it at . I wrote it as a little experiement over the summer. Its written in Java and I've only ever tested on windows, so chances are it wont work properly - but feel free to try and let me know if it works ok. I tested it on a 400Mhz mac and it ran, albeit at about 5fps.
To use:
- Make sure you have java run time 1.4.2_05 or later installed
- Extract the zip file
- Double click the aVis.jar
1 -> 9, -,=,#,Q -> O, BackSpace - Set Specific Scene
Space - Next Random Scene
L - Lock/Unlock Scene
F1 - Windowed Mode
F2 - FullScreen Mode
F3 - Send Window To Back
F4 - Minimise Window
S - Trigger Auto Strobe (on/off)
F - Trigger FPS (on/off)
N - Trigger Scene Names (on/off)
F5 - Pause
F6 - Un-Pause
Esc - Close aVis[/url]