1.25 : Moved initialisation of script engine earlier to allow it to be used in init()
Added option to VidPlay to allow videos not to be unloaded when they're finished
1.24 : Added option to not write to the settings file
Made 'GL module resize its int array by a larger chunk at a time
Added variable size biotunnel mesh
Disabled GL_NORMALIZE after metaballs (NVidia 'GL crash on exit fix attempt)
1.23 : Fixed so we don't always render to texture first (should never have happened)
Added prerender texture menu option
Fixed video size for VIDPLAY and allowed input + format selection
++ Fixed a stupid bug introduced in VIDPLAY (but 1.23 was previously released)
++++ Settings down dumped alphabetically
++++ VIDPLAY will now play the same video in multiple scenes at the same time
++++++ Loading of >10 different videos now permitted
++++++ Fixed a few odd null pointer issues
1.22 : Fixed VidPlay module so more than one video can be loaded at a time, also added reload
Added Flash player module
Added user/backspace_to_escape used preference (for windows MCE remotes on menus)
Added back buttons to Scene/Overlay prefs
1.21 : Added mouseX and mouseY to R4 predefine stuff
Fixed strcat and strncat
Added hires rendering
Added Ability to take high res screenshots with largescreenshot (+ PBUFFERS enabled)
Added "vidplay/res" that can be 'default', 'biggest'. or '#width,#height'
Added another company logo
1.20 : Fixed bad Alpha clearing bug
1.19 : Made renderable textures contain Alpha channel
Made 'Animate' copy the alpha channel
Added 'A' shader to enable alpha channel writing
Asses FrameSleepTime to stop R4 hugging the system
Fractal Scene
1.17 : Actually put the scenes in the first release this time!
Fixed 'GL model loader
1.16 : Changed numpad name as numpad doesn't work!
1.15 : Added VidPlay to the distro
Added OpenGL Model stuff
Now don't write log by default
Added support for OtsDJ song naming
1.14 : Added company logo
Added user/disablemenu
Moved OpenGL window class about to make it more multiplatform
Fixed '-' sign in Consts
1.13 : Added Effed's name to the Credits
Added window\setfocus option
1.12 : Added VSync option (On default)
Added proper Multimon + All Monitors option
Added >=Win98 check - Multimon is a pain otherwise
Removed Framerate cap by default
Fixed crash on second toggle to fullscreen when clicked bug.
1.11 : MultiMon Support - requires hard-coding screen coordinates atm. This is harder for the user, but more flexible.
1.10c : fixed vidcap issues (vidcap binary = wrong version)
1.10b : Included Rovastar's skull image
1.10 :
Changed R4 plugin module interface (added renderend) now v1001
Simplified sound detection to R2e-like version + added user vars for it
Fixed helper text in the Overlay menu
Added Sound Options Tweaking Menu
1.09 :
Fixed uninstaller
Made The Cool Song Display even Cooler.
Added enveloping to the FFT (better beat detection)
1.08 :
Fixed buttons on web winamp control
increased default buffer res
Added 'query fullscreen' option
Added x4 MIX mode
Made overlayemboss more powerful
Fixed some integerization bug with raining scenes
Page UP/DOWN swapped
Made OpenGL errors merely appear in log file. not cause R4 to halt
1.07 :
Fiddled with texture caching to make it WORK (oops.)
New web interface (based on DigitalHigh's)
Fixed AND and OR ops
1.06 :
Added new matrix ops to GL module
Added != to script language
Added true/false
Fixed strcmp for 0 length strings
Stopped settweak errors from killing R4
Added loadfile script command
Added scripting for numpad announce
Changed CSettings::set debug message
Added reload() function to TEXTURE module
Added announce_image
Added WinAmp windows, but removed again because WinAmp kept crashing
Included 'the brander'
Fixed about 50,000 bugs in the Brander
Added a few branding scenes
Improved Voiceprint module. less smudging
1.05 :
Changed Announcement text to say 'USe Web Interface'
Fixed a few tiny bugs in announcements
Added new 'blur' announcement
Changed Readme file a bit
Removed glClear in UserScene.cpp:render
Removed endrender glFlush
Added fallback glTexCopy mode (and menu options)
Added R4Reset.exe
Uses glCopyTexImage by DEFAULT (sad i know, but as long as ATI produces shit drivers...)
Added Organic models
1.04 :
Added strlwr,strupr,strreplace to script
Added extra shutdown comments to debug ATI's shitty drivers (again!)
Added Ben Kol's WinAmp UI
Added overlay 'ask' feature
Scenes + Fades now sorted alphabetically (on *name*)
Added VIDEO module for playing AVI files (badly :p)
Fixed annoying glitch in Arrows scene
Added Particle render mode to medusa
Fixed key binding for Overlays
Added half-hearted Pause on Window Hidden. doesn't seem to work :-/
Made R4 run even with no music on WA (slightly beta :p)
1.03 :
A few new scenes. added reload() to key binding list
Fix to reload()
1.02 :
Finally fixed WinAmp plugin directory bug (i think?)
Added HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL reload([scenenum]) command
Added API for texture UNLOAD
1.01 :
Now free all textures on exit. (oops!)
Pulled out the timing on 'commercial use' messages
Fixed crash on start when click
Added different directory management
Added more API functions (inc. scripting)
Had to change DLL plugin format to allow loading of R4 dir
Sorted out some shutting down issues
Added induhvidual directory loading...
Added addinfo/takeinfo script commands
Video Capture Included
Added Extra announcement options. thx to Ben Kol
Added winamp.html and fixed winamp_user
Added separate frame for scene selection
Bilinear thumbnail filtering
variable thumbnail sizes
Fixed SymTab free bug
1.00 :
Added WinAmp control Script Commands
Added extra userscene commands to convert from string to int/float
Changed key settings screen a bit
Added WinAmp key commands
Added WinAmp Song displayer
Changed point of init for wave in
Fixed buggey 'commercial use' text
Made 'your card sucks' error messages for PCs with no extensions
0.19 :
Fixed path issue on WAPLUG
0.18 :
Rearraged R4 startup code for :
Moved Windows Message code to callback
Moved IL DLLs to windows/system32 in installer
Updated installer a whole load
Fixed WAPLUG termination issue
0.17 :
Fixed £ -> 3 problem in font
Fixed crash on exit/fullscreen when telnet connected
Added MD2 loading scene
0.16 :
Made GL.glBindTexture work better
added GL.glBlendFunc
more scenes etc
added time smoothing to get the frame limiter to go better
Added more PCode optimizations
Fixed '-' bug in parser (i think =P)
Tweaked cubefield
0.15 :
Added framerate cap for people who just can't find vsync
Fixed multiple semicolon bug
Fixed multiple telnet crash
Made 'getcurrentscene()' return NextScene if a fader is active
Added a few new key options
Fixed model move webpage
updated colour webpage
fixed strcat bug
Funky new scenes...
Fixed window whiteout on load
Added version set in preferences
Added script() function to userscene engine
Added some statistic
0.14 :
Fixed crash on change to scene with no faders
Added key scripting
Added key change menu
Added find,screenshot etc to script commands
Added script error report
fixed script 'if'
Can now use scene/fade to use an overlay
Fixed multiple render problem
Added log file->telnet bridging
Added script ';'
Added script 'no brackets = variable' rule
Removed square brackets if empty in log
Reformatted some other log stuff
Added simple error report to network + script
removed settweak error
added extra MIX type
added installer option for the ATI DRIVER BUG :)
Added sound test at the start of R4
Spectrum equalization
Made Watermorph loader more robust
0.13 :
More tweakable scenes
More overlays
More announcements
More script commands (getcurrentscene)
Added speed controls to cubefield
0.12 :
Fixed 'automatically changes scene on webpage change' issue (clear httprequest)
Added more to help
Made more scenes respond to network tweaking
Added a few extra useful script commands
Added funky new userscene type - OVERLAY :D
Added 'Overlay' menu
Removed 'Edit Scene' 'cos i was never going to finish it anyway
Added Blur, and Strobe (oh yes... its back!) overlays
Added a few simple announcements + active webpages for them
Made GL module display texture fonts
Finally fixed R4 cube
0.11 :
Added Network server
Added hacky HTTP/1.0 serving
Added back button to settings menu
Made lists scroll over the top (only on up/down, not on paging)
Fixed fade crash problem
Removed scene change menu + renamed preferences to scene+fade (and added hints)
Added blue hints
Added Console (+ uiEdit.cpp w. keyChar event)
Added Script.cpp (simple scripting)
Added Scene screenshot (F9)
Added Scrollbox clipping
Added CUserScene.clear() for runtime recompiles
fixed pow(x,y)
added getsetting/setsetting to user scene scripting
allowed use of gettweak/settweak
added better checking for function execution
loads more script commands
added http request splitting
Added 'result' variable to userscene language
Did some nice PCode optimizations ;)
0.10 :
Added Scene Name display
Completely re-made scene renderer (Probably introduced new bugs, but is more efficient)
fixed sys/make_txt
fixed key
floating poiht aspect in GL
added 3d text module
added faders to preference screen
proper shader selection
added horrific pointrender bodge
Solved annoying tunnel flicker
Added check for software renderer
More additions to 'GL module (glCube + glBindTexture)
Aspect ratio for basscube
Fixed fogging in tunnele scene
0.09 :
Changed Metaball equation from (1-r)/r^2 to the 'Geoff' Function
Fiddled a few scenes that could easily be fixed
Removed dead ones
Added more crap to MEDUSA module + changed a few vars
made TWIST module render through display lists
Made CONST statements top-level
Made SNAKECUBE more customizable
Added funktastic particle effects to GL module
Added glFlush to end of renderable textures
0.08 :
Took it out of beta (but it still sucks ;)
Added PRO version + key locking for it
Page up/down in lists
FIddled with water effect
Now puts version number in log file
Changed radialblur to make sure it works better
Messed with a few multitexturing things
Added F3/F4 for scenes
Moved F10 to F8 and got screenshot working
0.07 BETA :
Added Renderer Info to Log File
Changed GL Extension loader so it doesn't alter Extension Strings
Added Options to enable/disable dumps of debug info
0.06 BETA :
Added R4 icon
Added settings config files to the ZIP :)
0.05 BETA :
Added Waveform + Spectrum Information
Merged two renderable texture lists
Added PBuffer Contents display
Added Settings Menu
Changed some stuff in RenderTex.cpp - GL_FLOAT->GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE and trying to remove alpha channel
Added Refresh Rate control
Added Int and Float Constant Definitions
Added 'GL' Module
Added Extra Optimization of PUSH+ITOF ByteCode Combinatiom
0.04 BETA :
Fixed black line on R4 logo
Added Scene Preference Window
Added Edit Scene window, but not finished it yet.
Changed Aspect ratio on start screen
Fixed no call to reset on scene change (CUBEFIELD blackout,single TWIST,etc.)
Fixed WaveIn issue (I think)
0.03 BETA :
MODULE tn(tn,tn); halt issue fix (cheers Chris)
.txt file creation on module load
WMORPH/PMORPH Proper wildcard support
PMORPH directory changed to POINTMORPH
Addition of STRCPY + STRCAT for convenience (UGLY)
Framerate capped at 200fps - stops stuff going mental
Removed ugly bit of OpenGL object
Changed METABALL module to use the same viewing as normal
POINTRENDER now has slightly modded texcoords to stop a line down the edge
in Quincunx antialiasing mode
Tidied OpenGL Object
Started using Settings Object
R4 Logo now goes quickly the second time
First Scene now fades in
Better Error Reporting for Rendering Errors
Added Scene Lock/UnLock
Added Cylinder render to Water
Added Torus to Water
0.02 BETA :
Public Release